Availity Essentials Provider Portal
Submit preauthorization requests and view member benefits, eligibility information, claims status, and more with the multipayer Availity Essentials™.
Healthcare professional typing on a laptop.

If you don’t have an Availity user ID and password, visit Availity.com to register at no cost.

If you have an Availity user ID and password but have never submitted a preauthorization request to CarePlus via Availity, your organization’s Availity administrator can set up your access to do so. 

Today with Availity you can:

  • Open laptop. Illustration.


    • B2B (system-to-system) submission process (with the help of an Availity analyst)
    • Electronic data interchange (EDI) reports
    • Inpatient census and discharge census reports (primary care providers only)
    • Our Find a Doctor tool and provider directories
    • Remittance information (after setting up EFT/ERA)
  • Checklist with pencil. Illustration.


    • Documentation and coding review results
    • Preauthorization list (PAL) information from the preauthorization submission screen
    • Pharmacy claims history, including date of service, drug name and description, and amount paid (coming in early 2025)
    • Preauthorizations by entering patient and requesting provider information (with or without entering the preauthorization number)
  • Documents. Illustration.

    Send or View

    • CarePlus members’ benefit and eligibility information
    • Claims status(es) and payment(s)
    • EDI files and set up EDI reporting preferences
    • Pended inpatient or outpatient preauthorization requests (and the additional information we request before we make a determination) 
    • Up to 10 procedure codes on each preauthorization request

Training and Assistance

To access the Availity Learning Center, please sign in to your account, select “Help & Training” in the upper right corner, and then select “Get Trained.”

Availity also makes a training video library available after you log in. Training videos include:

Healthcare professional using a cellphone.

For Availity technical support:

Call 1-800-282-4548.

Open a support ticket by selecting “Help & Training” in the upper right corner, and then selecting “Availity Support.” 

Submit a tech support ticket once you sign in to Availity Essentials.